This blog provide information about Alternative energy & Renewable energy which become more significant since energy sources ; such as coal, natural gas etc , have been highly used during few decades. So it is time for us to take more consideration about alternative energy and get their beneficial use before existing energy sources has been exhausted.


Dependence on external energy sources

Petroleum dependence

Technologically advanced societies have become increasingly vulnerable in their dependence on external energy sources for the production of many manufactured goods and the delivery of alternative energy services. This energy allows people, in general, to live under diverse climatic conditions, in large populations and often in controlled environments. Level of dependence of human societies on external energy sources differs, as does the climate, comfort, obesity, pollution, output, and greenhouse gas emissions of each society.
Increased levels of human comfort generally induce increased dependence on external energy sources. Conversely, comfort can also be realized with lowered energy consumption by the application of energy efficiency and conservation approaches. Wise energy use therefore embodies the idea of balancing human comfort with reasonable energy consumption levels by researching and implementing effective and sustainable energy harvesting and utilization measures.
As an example of external energy dependence, U.S. President George W. Bush has stated that "America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world."[1] Another example is the growing reliance on energy supplies to Europe from Russia

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

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